So. A real post this time. Maybe? I'm one of these weird moods again, the one when I can't even have a conversation. Can't focus on people.
What is new is that I actually have new friends now. A group. They can handle me being the real me, the one that makes my high school friends upset. I'd like to say it's because "I tell it like it is, sistah, if you can't handle the truth that ain't my problem!" but it's more like I don't know where the line is or what is insulting or when I'm supposed to pretend someone is right or likeable or when it isn't time for honesty. So I figure I just have to be someone else with more fragile people. I guess I'm also just mean as a defense mechanism sometimes. But yeah. New friends. Less of a mask. Good stuff.
I don't want to talk about food because I don't want to cry.
I was really happy earlier because it's very nice here right now but it's gone. But that's normal. I'm normal. Painfully normal. Well, outside of my head, anyways. But that's probably everyone.
Sorry I'm so dull right now. It's my birthday in two days, I'll be turning 19.
So yeah. This wasn't a real post. More like an update. I'll try to accumulate things to say and actually write something compelling soon. I feel like writing, because it feels like I'm talking to you and it's very nice, and I love you all, but it isn't happening. Maybe I'll go have a one-man dance party now. Or maybe I'll go sleep. Either way, talk to you later.
1 comment:
Oh man I was having one of those days and Miles dragged me to a play. Hooooo boy that was fun! (not)
I like people who can take you as you are, warts and all. I hate having to put kid gloves on when I don't know what pisses someone off. I like it better when they can just say "Mate, that upsets/offends/pisses me off because of X reason, can you please not talk about that/talk like that again?" SO MUCH EASIER.
Lol outward normality makes it so much easier to screw with people, coz then they don't know how to react when you throw them a curve ball of weirdness :3
ASDFKJGHDFKLGHDFKJSH HAPPY 19TH BDAY YOU LITTLE BABBY, YOU!! *Grabs you and hugs you so hard ribs crack*
Sending you tons of love and a billion hugs <3
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