Monday, October 15, 2012


I'm a weird mix of tired and excited right now. On one hand, cloudy days and not enough sleep. On the other hand, SCIENCE and halloween costumes and maybe Alaska next summer for an internship at a lab? (Okay, more excited than tired.)

Words are not happening right now so PICTURES

Part 1 of the Mad Scientist costume has been acquired. Yes, that's me. Hello!

Reading this in preparation for robot building. You wish you were this cool.
BELUGA. It loves you. Notice the very Canadian plaid shirt.

New socks! SO COMFY

So I'm doing okay, I guess. I'm enormous but that's nothing new. I love you all times a million. And I'm not even sorry that this post sounds like it was written by a ten-year old. That's how I roll.

Amaris/Nina/Amanda, I'm really not spiritual enough to believe in good vibes, but I would send you some if I did. Instead, I send you virtual love hoping it'll bring warmth to your fingers as you type. Or something equally cheesy.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Alive and well enough

Just letting you know. Too immersed in my imagination to elaborate. Thank you for the love.