Monday, October 15, 2012


I'm a weird mix of tired and excited right now. On one hand, cloudy days and not enough sleep. On the other hand, SCIENCE and halloween costumes and maybe Alaska next summer for an internship at a lab? (Okay, more excited than tired.)

Words are not happening right now so PICTURES

Part 1 of the Mad Scientist costume has been acquired. Yes, that's me. Hello!

Reading this in preparation for robot building. You wish you were this cool.
BELUGA. It loves you. Notice the very Canadian plaid shirt.

New socks! SO COMFY

So I'm doing okay, I guess. I'm enormous but that's nothing new. I love you all times a million. And I'm not even sorry that this post sounds like it was written by a ten-year old. That's how I roll.

Amaris/Nina/Amanda, I'm really not spiritual enough to believe in good vibes, but I would send you some if I did. Instead, I send you virtual love hoping it'll bring warmth to your fingers as you type. Or something equally cheesy.


Peridot (G+P) said...

PLEASE tell me you're going as a Rule 34 Doctor Horrible! PLEEEASE!

Yup, I do wish I was that cool. I'm good at wrecking circuit boards, not building them :(

I heart Beluga!

Sending love to you. Enjoy your toasty toes and good luck with the science and potential interning <3

Ana's Girl said...

You certainly don't look enormous, dear. *hugs* I love this post because you seem genuinely happy, and nothing could make me happier than you being happy. :P

Peridot (G+P) said...

Canada does seem like a nice place for hermits, apart from your scary large carnivores. I'd honestly rather take on a Haast Eagle than a bear or even a snake!

OF COURSE I've seen Dr.Horrible! The Boy and I break out into spontaneous choruses of Bad Horse at Games Night :3

Fuuuuuuuck I wish my costume was as cool as yours :( I'm resorting to the Pirate one from my costume drawer. Ugh. It's there and it lets me get violent if I need to. Ugh. Need new costumes!

I live here because we don't have cockroaches and we're too far away for the USA to consider invading for our nonexistant oil. Does Canada have cockroaches? I know you have the most badass truckies in the world!

This is my maskless place. I hope it's safe enough for you to go sans-mask too.

Love you <3

Peridot (G+P) said...


Ah, so if America is like Australia then Canada is like New Zealand? FUCKING SWEET! Lol S is from Red Deer in Alberta and his wife was hassling him about the stereotype of Canadians apologising all the time. His reaction is always the loud, sarcastic, angry "SOR-RY!" which makes us all crack up.

Maple syrup? OMNOMNOMNOM. Soo good on pikelets. Guillaume gave me some maple candy and I'm totally addicted to the stuff. Omg.

Lol I'm a belligerent, angry, opinionated bitch who swears a lot doesn't bluff. I make a GREAT pirate! Fuck I have to try the pants on tonight. . . Wish me luck? I haven't worn them in about 3 or 4 years D:


Man do i understand the feeling of acting all the time. Blogger is indeed the safe place. Where you don't have to worry about being fired, locked up or not being allowed near heavy machinery.

I like long comment :) They're awesome. Just like you.

Love you <3